FreeScientology - Basic Processes [Column A]
If you are not on drugs or medications or experiencing severe issues, it's recommended for everyone that you start at level [-4] given below.
If you are not on drugs or medications or experiencing severe issues, it's recommended for everyone that you start at level [-4] given below.
The following processes and levels do not require extensive training. If you follow instructions carefully and get basic training by your own study while you proceed, you will be able to learn how these processes work, and how to apply them to assist in the betterment of another.
Processes are drawn, where possible, from Hubbard Scientology, but where a new process has been found to be needed, it is credited to its contributor where known. [Processes marked [SG] were contributed by Scott Gordon under the Repetitive Socratic Questioning process tabulation project, FreeScientology] It is very important to know when to end a process, or else you can lose its effectiveness. A process run to its full conclusion (could be minutes - could be hours) will result in the person having a new awareness about self or about life, and often a happier, visibly relieved, or exuberant disposition. This is known as a "release." Going past a release is not going to cause any lasting harm, but will feel "grinding" and frustrating, and will take away from the enjoyment of processing. If this happens, spot it (if your own) or get the person to spot, the moment the release occurred. Get them to tell you about it briefly. Usually you will see relief and relaxation, and both of you knowing you got something out of it. The Volunteer Minister Handbook and/or the Scientology Handbook, each contain shortened versions of basic training instructions and exercises, and are recommended for study. You will want to visit for intermediate-level training and recommended study. Please contact us for further questions, or if you would like assistance in training. These processes work best delivered by a caring volunteer minister or friend who is willing to study these dirrections, but if this is not available, one can do these alone, as "journaling." This works best applying the same principles learned in auditing others, plus the discipline of a formal session with a definite beginning and ending, and completing all processes in-between, or at least continuing them to completion at the very next opportunity. Important Note: When processes have a full line space between them, run them one at a time to completion, before going to the next process. When they are together with no line space between them (sometimes numbered 1,2,3... or a,b,c...), you get each one answered and acknowledged, and then go back to the first in the sequence (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5...) such as in the example sequence here: 1. HOW COULD ANOTHER PROVIDE SOME HELP? 2. HOW COULD ANOTHER RECEIVE SOME HELP? 3. HOW COULD YOU GIVE SOME HELP? 4. HOW COULD YOU RECEIVE SOME HELP? 5. HOW COULD YOU HELP YOURSELF? [SG - 1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5... until the process has completed with the person having a realization and feeling better about the subject] [TIP: Make Use of the "0" Processes (and '-1' numbered processes) - firstly - of the level you are working on - to get a case moving that runs into trouble that you cannot resolve with session communication alone. Study the Communication Practice Drills ("TRs" - "Training Routines") as you go along, to improve the smoothness and success of your sessions. The better the acknowledgements and communication management, the better the session, and the greater the progress. - SG] Note that you may want to skip ahead and look for where you want to start in on processing. If you are reading and understanding this, you should note that these first, lowest levels are for those who need assistance from an auditor ("one who listens"), or volunteer minister. Most people will want to start at '-5' on this chart. We will start at the very lowest levels that people new to the subject can easily do on their own: [-7~] Psychotic Break (shock, PTSD) (lowest known process - anyone could benefit from this, actually) What you want for this process, ideally, is some version of a Japanese Rock Garden. This could even be a quiet backyard with the largest stone you can find, placed in an orderly setting, with a comfortable chair for the person to sit in (the person can get up and roam, as desired). You want to minimize interfering with the person and any environmental distractions. The command only needs to be stated once, and then repeated when necessary or at the beginning of each "session." You do not need to be present during the session unless that is something you determine is necessary. You can leave the command on a 3x5 card for the person to hold or place nearby. The command is simply: (Try to) Keep Your Attention On That Rock or: Focus on That Rock [SG] There is not a particular outcome you are looking for, other than general improvement from calming of the mind, since this is as much a meditation as a process, but if the person exhibits a noticeable change, it should be acknowledged, and the results written down (by you or by the person), and you would not need to extend the process further. Doing so could act as an invalidation, so ask the person, and you may find they enjoy it and want to do more, which is okay. This process can be run in the middle of other handlings of the matter, including nutrition, professional intervention, professional processing, Communication Routines ("TRs"), Objectives (start with step [-6] below) and "DROP" processing. Always remember that for a real psychotic break, nothing is more important than restoring the person to a state of self-determinism. Therefore, the person should never be forced and professional guidance should be sought to get them up to a state where they can voluntarily cooperate. Important Note: If you are dealing with someone who has been actually tortured or subjected to MK-Ultra mind-control, heavy abuse or institutional abuse, it is important to get them journaling on their own before they are engaged in any communication therapy (as outlined more thoroughly in in the book by Cathy O'Brien called "A Time to Heal "). Use your judgment and their interest after they have journaled all that they can remember, before going on to do these spiritual healing processes. [-7] Forced Out of Location (dissociation from body) This condition is common for people who have taken drugs, done meditation, had a profound spiritual or near-death experience, or have gone too far, too fast, in auditing (known in Scientology auditing as "Out-Int") and is characterized by headaches (migraines, especially) and vertigo (an uncomfortable feeling of floating). From this level on up, this kind of processing is called "auditing" (audit means "to listen"). This program of auditing can be audited at lower levels, but is best done by an expert professional who can deliver an "Int Rundown." Since remaining in this state is highly uncomfortable, it is worth trying to see if you can alleviate the difficulty with some of the processing I have developed. IF YOU ARE IN THIS CONDITION YOU SHOULD NOT DO ANY OTHER KIND OF AUDITING - it often only makes the condition worse. [I will link a Self-Analysis List developed for this purpose here, soon.] And here (see top of page for download link) it is: [SG] INT/OUT-INT - END OF ENDLESS INTERIORIZATION - SELF-ANALYSIS LIST: A) CAN YOU RECALL A TIME WHEN... 1. you were in something pleasant? 2. you got out of something unpleasant? 3. you finally arrived? 4. you slipped away? 5. you were invited in where you wanted to be? 6. you went in and enjoyed it? 7. you made it in? 8. it was a relief to be kicked out? 9. you didn't mind being pulled in? 10. you made it out? 11. you were happy to be pushed in? 12. you could come and go as you pleased? 13. you succeeded in joining a conversation? 14. you felt relieved to be leaving? 15. you became part of the fun? 16. you escaped harm? 17. you were accepted as a member? 18. you got out and enjoyed the space? 19. you knew you'd be getting out soon? 20. you got in? 21. you escaped? 22. someone detaining you, let you go? 23. you were free to go? 24. after some effort, you finally got in? 25. you let someone go, that you had detained? 26. you got out? 27. they let you in? 28. they let you out? 29. you let them in? 30. you let them out? 31. leaving was the right thing to do? 32. hanging in there led to something good? 33. you arrived to a warm welcome? 34. you got out of there alive? 35. you got into things and enjoyed it? 36. you were happy to be back in? 37. you were glad to be out? 38. you made it in? 39. you made it out? 40. you were happy being you? 41. you really wanted to be there? 42. you knew they couldn't stop you? 43. you knew they couldn't talk you back in? 44. you were exactly where you wanted to be? [optional] - 3x version for each question: A) CAN YOU RECALL A TIME WHEN... B) CAN YOU RECALL ANOTHER TIME WHEN... C) CAN YOU RECALL THE EARLIEST TIME YOU CAN WHEN... -Scott Gordon WATCHFUL NAVIGATOR Now once again, I feel I need to point out that this area of case is sometimes delicate to handle, and normally requires an experienced professional auditor to help stabilize. However, since not everyone will have that as an option, I am going to give the most common auditing process that resolves this issue enough to enable normal auditing to resume. Try this, and end off the process when you have had a very good win and realization about the phenomenon of "going into things" (otherwise seek out a professional if the condition did not resolve...). Important note: Only run this process if you have the above-mentioned symptoms and you feel you need to, and you have already done the above list, and you are well-rested and medication-free within the last several days: RECALL A TIME YOU WENT IN [-6] Getting Back Into Present Time (after Drugs, Alcohol, in Shock, etc.) Far too common is the escape from life through drugs or alcohol. These people are not solving the long-term problem of living however, and their days may unfortunately be numbered. An earnest auditor may be able to break through long enough to get the person onto a short series of processes known as the "Answers to Drugs Objectives" (from a Volunteer Minister Handbook Chapter of that name). The entrance is to sober the person up by running what is called a Locational. This must be run with crisp, polite commands and acknowledgements as follows: "Look at That ______" (while pointing out some object or feature in the environment - then acknowledge) - "Thank You" (repeat by selecting a new object or feature of the environment each time, until the person has visibly brightened up or changed for the better - in which case you should crisply pronounce, "End of Assist") When the person has brightened up (or sobered up) and is no clearly less under the influence of the drug, alcohol or whatever shock, you can move on to the Answers to Drugs Objectives: [-5] Restoring Contact With Life (including especially after drugs, alcohol or medications - this is where you will need to start with most people - this is recommended for everyone) HEAL THE DAMAGE: Do the Purification Rundown, the TRs ("Training Routines") & Objectives as soon as you can. Meanwhile, do not let lack of resources stop you from doing the following actions which may help restore focus and purpose to your life and your personal goals: These are the Answers to Drugs Objectives. You repeat the process command as many times as necessary, until the person "releases" (visibly or audibly changes for the better - often with a remark that "something happened" which you should listen to and acknowledge and if it's clear that a release occurred, end with a crisp, "End of Assist" or "End of Process"). 1) "Notice That ___ " (while pointing to an object in the room - then acknowledge) - "Thank You" 2) "Look Around Here and Find Something You Could Have" (then acknowledge the person's answer) 3) "Touch That ___" (while pointing to an object in the room - then acknowledge) 4) a. "What in the Room is Really Real to You?" (then acknowledge the person's answer) b. "Go Over and Touch It" (acknowledge) c. "Now Let Go of It" (acknowledge) 5) "Become Curious About That" (while pointing to an object in the room - then acknowledge) 6) "Find Something Comfortably Real" (acknowledge) Now you will want to do a more extensive drug handling and Life Repair. Any of these actions can and should be done as soon as feasible, but there is an optimum sequence and it should be followed if at all possible: 1st) Get medical exams and attention and nutrition to any pressing health issues, as well as a doctor's okay to do the Purification Rundown Program. a) Purification Rundown (a daily sauna-exercise regimen with vitamins as outlined in the book "Clear Body-Clear Mind" b) Communication Training Routines and Objectives ("TRs & Objectives") which can also be begun during the Purification Rundown - and if the person is coming off hard drugs this is almost imperative c) Life Repair Actions - *Scientology Drug Rundown (and any or all of the following to be completed one at a time) *Severe.Quad.Rudiments: *HELP Rundown (easy to co-audit/process - next on list below) *Professional Life Repair (actions from Scientology Grade III given later on in the line-up) *FreeScientology Grade 0 - Communication (can be co-audited) The above are done until there is no more urge to do drugs and the person feels this part of their life is repaired. There is a professional-level action that can be done using e-metered auditing: The New Era Dianetics Drug Rundown if the person still has urges to do drugs, and this is best done as early on as possible in the progression up the FreeScientology GradeChart for anyone with a drug history after doing the above Life Repair actions. [If you have completed these successfully and experienced benefit, write down your gains as a "success story" - at least for your own reference, but consider sharing with others and getting them started on their own Inner Work.] [-4] Optimizing Communication & Exchange With Others HELP Rundown (this is recommended for everyone) Note that if the person is severely upset or introverted about his/her life at present, it is better to proceed first to: *Severe.Quad.Rudiments: HELP Rundown (click for full HELP Rundown at this link for those who have basic training in Scientology Auditing - Class 0 and above) [the following is the introductory, streamlined, but highly optimized version of the HELP Rundown using its best introductory processes - and for the first sessions we have included lots of "Havingness" - a stabilizing process that makes auditing safer and helps the person to feel better = "grounded"] -1. HELP- FAILED HELP (HCOB 1 Apr 70 - ETHICS PROGRAM NO. 1 CASE ACTIONS) WHO HAVE YOU FAILED TO HELP? WHO HAS FAILED TO HELP YOU? WHO HAS FAILED TO HELP ANOTHER? WHO HAVE YOU HELPED? WHO HAS HELPED YOU? WHO HAS HELPED ANOTHER? HAV- FIND SOMETHING COMFORTABLY REAL (PAB 54 - 10 Jun 55 - REALITY LEVEL OF THE PRECLEAR) (HCOB 3 Nov 60 - FAILED HELP) HOW COULD YOU PREVENT HELP? HOW COULD YOU FAIL TO HELP? HAV- FIND SOMETHING COMFORTABLY REAL (PAB 54 - 10 Jun 55 - REALITY LEVEL OF THE PRECLEAR) WHO HAVE YOU FAILED TO HELP? WHAT HAVE YOU FAILED TO HELP? HAV- FIND SOMETHING COMFORTABLY REAL (PAB 54 - 10 Jun 55 - REALITY LEVEL OF THE PRECLEAR) 0A. HCCI 0-A [MOST BASIC SHCCI = SAFE-HELP-CONTROL-COMMUNICATION-INTEREST] SAFE- LOCATIONAL LOOK AT THAT ___ [SG - should be repeated with various objects in the environment until the person feels better] HELP- HELP IS POSSIBLE [SG - 12 Nov 2023] (a) WHO COULD BE HELPED? (b) WHAT COULD BE HELPED? (c) WHO COULD HELP? (d) WHAT COULD HELP? CTRL- WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO CONTROL? (Lect. 20 Dec 54 - GAMES (Fighting)) COMM- ROUTINE 0-0 (ZERO-ZERO) (HCOB 11 DEC 64 - PROCESSES) (a) WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO TALK TO ME ABOUT? (b) WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO TELL ME ABOUT THAT? [SG - alternate questions (first question should be a short, simple topic, the follow-up question should be whatever he/she wants to say, as long as he/she wants to talk about it) until the person has expressed and shows, marked improvement in tone and attitude - this is almost never a short process and can take up a whole session or even many more] INTRST- WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONFRONT? (HCOB 4 May 59 - AN AFFINITY PROCESS) HAVINGNESS CHOOSE AND USE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING "HAVINGNESS" PROCESSES AND USE THE ONE THAT WORKS BEST AT THE END OF ANY AUDITING SESSION YOU DO: 1) Classic Havingness HAV- LOOK AROUND HERE AND FIND SOMETHING YOU COULD HAVE [SG - Classic Havingness converted to "Look Around There..." for distance auditing] -and/or use: 2) Comfortably Real HAV- FIND SOMETHING COMFORTABLY REAL (PAB 54 - 10 Jun 55 - REALITY LEVEL OF THE PRECLEAR) 1. HELP- HELP- EXISTENCE [SG - 30 May 2024] WHAT IS HELP? WHAT IS NOT HELP? 2. HELP- 5-WAY CONCEPT HELP - GENERAL ("SOMEONE" AS A GENERAL TERMINAL) (HCOB 14 JUL 60 - CURRENT RUNDOWN - CONCEPT HELP) (a) THINK OF SOMEONE HELPING YOU (b) THINK OF YOU HELPING SOMEONE (c) THINK OF SOMEONE HELPING OTHERS (d) THINK OF OTHERS HELPING SOMEONE (e) THINK OF SOMEONE HELPING SOMEONE [ELSE] 3. HELP - PRE-HAV SCALE - INVERTED HELP (HCOB 2 FEB 61 - COMMAND SHEET - PREHAVINGNESS SCALE) (a) WHAT HELP WOULD YOU CONSIDER BAD? (b) WHAT HELP WOULD ANOTHER CONSIDER GOOD? 4. HELP - PRE-HAV SCALE - HELP (HCOB 2 FEB 61 - COMMAND SHEET - PREHAVINGNESS SCALE) (a) WHO HAVE YOU HELPED? (b) WHO HAS HELPED YOU? (c) WHAT HAVE YOU HELPED? (d) WHAT HAS HELPED YOU? 5. HELP- HELP-CONFRONT (HCOB 5 MAY 60 - HELP) (a) WHAT HELP COULD YOU CONFRONT? (b) WHAT HELP WOULD YOU RATHER NOT CONFRONT? 6. HELP- HELP O/W - SIMPLE (HCOB 12 MAY 60 - HELP PROCESSING) (a) WHAT HAVE YOU HELPED? (b) WHAT HAVE YOU NOT HELPED? 7. HELP - PAST PROBLEM (HCOB 5 MAY 60 - HELP) WHAT PROBLEM HAS HELP BEEN TO YOU? HAV- LOOK AROUND HERE AND FIND SOMETHING YOU COULD HAVE 8. HELP - PROBLEM (CREATIVE) (HCOB 5 MAY 60 - HELP) WHAT PROBLEM COULD HELP BE TO YOU? 9. HELP- HELP 9-WAY (HCOB 6 FEB 58 - CCH Ob - HELP IN FULL - STARTING SESSION) 1-HOW COULD YOU HELP YOURSELF? 2-HOW COULD YOU HELP ME? 3-HOW COULD I HELP YOU? 4-HOW COULD I HELP MYSELF? 5-HOW COULD YOU HELP ANOTHER PERSON? 6-HOW COULD I HELP ANOTHER PERSON? 7-HOW COULD ANOTHER PERSON HELP YOU? 8-HOW COULD ANOTHER PERSON HELP ME? 9-HOW COULD ANOTHER PERSON HELP ANOTHER PERSON? 10. HELP- FORMULA 20 (HCOB 2 MAR 61 - FORMULA 20) I. (a) WHO HAS FAILED TO CONTROL YOU? (b) WHO HAVE YOU FAILED TO CONTROL? (c) WHAT HAS FAILED TO CONTROL YOU? (d) WHAT HAVE YOU FAILED TO CONTROL? II. (a) WHO HAVE YOU HELPED? (b) WHO HAS HELPED YOU? 11. CONTROL- CONTROL WITH SANITY [SG] [SG - 2018] (a) WHAT WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO CONTROL? (b) WHAT WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO LEAVE UNCONTROLLED? 12. HELP- JOBURG HELP ON THE DYNAMICS (taken from HCO PL 7 APR 61 - JOHANNESBURG CONFESSIONAL LIST) ['#'] = Joburg Confessional Form question number - [SG] = Scott Gordon additions] 1 [SG] 1A. HOW COULD YOU HELP YOURSELF? 2 [SG] 2A. HOW COULD YOU HELP YOUR PARTNER? 3 [60] 2B. HOW COULD YOU HELP YOUR FAMILY? 4 [SG] 2C. HOW COULD YOU HELP CHILDREN? 5 [64A] 3A. HOW COULD YOU HELP OTHERS? 6 [64B] 3B. HOW COULD YOU HELP A GROUP? 7 [64] 3C. HOW COULD YOU HELP AN ORGANIZATION? 8 [65] 4A. HOW COULD YOU HELP MANKIND? 9 [69] 5A. HOW COULD YOU HELP ANIMALS AND PLANTS? 10 [71] 6A. HOW COULD YOU HELP MATERIAL THINGS? 11 [73] 7A. HOW COULD YOU HELP SPIRITS? 12 [75] 8A. HOW COULD YOU HELP GOD OR INFINITY? 13. CONTROL- CONTROL WITH SANITY [SG] (a) WHAT WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO CONTROL? (b) WHAT WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO LEAVE UNCONTROLLED? [If you have completed these successfully and experienced benefit, write down your gains as a "success story" - at least for your own reference, but consider sharing with others and getting them started on their own Inner Work.] [-3] A Life Repair (recommended for everyone) *Severe.Quad.Rudiments: (or for solo/journaling use the following) * [If you have completed these successfully and experienced benefit, write down your gains as a "success story" - at least for your own reference, but consider sharing with others and getting them started on their own Inner Work.] [-2] Restoring Communication (recommended for everyone) You will find a good introduction with some special instructions here: 1. COMM- OPENING UP (HCOB 21 APR 60 - PRESESSION PROCESSES) (a) THINK OF SOMETHING YOU COULD TELL ME (b) THINK OF SOMETHING YOU MIGHT WITHHOLD FROM ME [SG - with occasional "Anything you would like to tell me?" - Ref (HCOB 21 APR 60 - PRESESSION PROCESSES)] [SG - also make careful use of PROMPTERS here] 2. COMM- ROUTINE 0-0 (ZERO-ZERO) (HCOB 11 DEC 64 - PROCESSES) (a) WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO TALK TO ME ABOUT? (b) WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO TELL ME ABOUT THAT? [SG - alternate questions (first question should be a short, simple topic, the follow-up question should be whatever he/she wants to say, as long as he/she wants to talk about it) until the person has expressed and shows, marked improvement in tone and attitude - this is almost never a short process and can take up a whole session or even many more] 3. COMM- RECALL A TIME YOU COMMUNICATED [SG - repetitive process] (HCOB 21 APR 60 - PRESESSION PROCESSES) 4. COMM- [COMMUNICATION - DENNIS STEPHENS POWER SERIES - SG - run one set at a time, until there are no more answers for that set, or you have had a very good win and realization about communication.] (1a) HOW HAS COMMUNICATION BEEN HANDLED? (1b) HOW HAVE YOU BEEN HANDLED? (2a) HOW HAVE YOU HANDLED COMMUNICATION? (2b) HOW HAS COMMUNICATION HANDLED YOU? [If you have completed these successfully and experienced benefit, write down your gains as a "success story" - at least for your own reference, but consider sharing with others and getting them started on their own Inner Work.] [-1] Simple, Basic Life Repair ("Hope") Part I - [SELF-ANALYSIS (<---now linked for your download and use!) - if you can do this, do the first list and also skip ahead to the "Invalidation" list near the end of the book - then go back and keep doing any other lists of interest.] Part II - [PERSONAL GOALS - DENNIS STEPHENS POWER SERIES - SG - Instructions: 1) Make a list of your top goals and skills you would like to improve, or habits you'd like to correct - the only rule is you must have more positives than negatives; 2) Put your list in order of which to run first - saving the most important for last and ending on a positive goal; 3) Make the wording of your items as they fit best into the blanks of the question sets given; 4) Run one question set at a time, until there are no more answers left or until you have had a very good win on that set. If you get a strong urge to work on that goal "right now" with new ideas, end the session on that win and get to work on that goal. Returning back to that process set later is optional (and may help spark another resurgence), since regaining interest in a goal is the whole point.] (1a) HOW HAS ___ BEEN HANDLED? (1b) HOW HAVE YOU BEEN HANDLED? (2a) HOW HAVE YOU HANDLED ___? (2b) HOW HAS ___ HANDLED YOU? Part III - REMOVING CASE BARRIERS [optional, but highly recommended - for those who have someone to work with and the inclination to learn to audit] BASIC DIANETICS [go to training webpage - (under construction) - to learn this, and to get the steps, instructions and model session] WHAT ARE YOU MOST INTERESTED IN HANDLING? (Take These Up as the first "Original Items" to handle) [If you have completed these successfully and experienced benefit, write down your gains as a "success story" - at least for your own reference, but consider sharing with others and getting them started on their own Inner Work.] [0] Communication (Mini-Grade 0) [Important note: If you ran these already on [-2 - Out-of-Communication] you will only run the processes you are still interested in, unless it has been a long time since you ran them. There are more given here. It is a good idea to end all sessions with the a Havingness Process. You may want to run "Look Around Here and Find Something You Could Have" (then acknowledging the person's answer) or "Find Something Comfortably Real" at the end of each major win, and at the ending of each session. This Grade works so much better when co-audited. It is possible to solo, since communication with self is possible and desirable, but it is, after all, "communication" - and the more you can get together to practice it, the better.] -1. COMM- OPENING UP [SG - VARIOUS PROCESSES] [SG - run one process or process set at a time - each to full conclusion] WHERE WOULD YOU FEEL SAFE? WHAT WOULD BE SAFE TO LOOK AT? (BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES - Remedy BB) WHO WOULD IT BE SAFE TO TALK TO? [SG - VARIOUS PROCESSES] WHAT COULD BE HELPED? (a) WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE HELPED? (b) WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP? (a) WHAT PART OF YOUR LIFE WOULD YOU LIKE TO BRING UNDER CONTROL? (b) WHAT PART OF YOUR LIFE COULD BE LEFT UNCONTROLLED? (a) WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONTROL? (b) WHAT WOULD YOU RATHER NOT CONTROL? (a) WHAT CONTROL WOULD BE HELPFUL? (b) WHAT CONTROL WOULD NOT BE HELPFUL? (HCOB 21 APR 60 - PRESESSION PROCESSES) (a) THINK OF SOMETHING YOU COULD TELL ME (b) THINK OF SOMETHING YOU MIGHT WITHHOLD FROM ME [SG - with occasional "Anything you would like to tell me?" - Ref (HCOB 21 APR 60 - PRESESSION PROCESSES)] [SG - also make careful use of the PROMPTERS here, as needed, and in doing the rest of the Communication processes, at any time the processing ceases to proceed smoothly] PROMPTERS: (a) Have you found something you think would make me think less of you? (b) Is there something you thought of that you think I wouldn't understand? (c) Have you said something you felt I didn't understand? If so, tell me again. (d) Have you found something you haven't understood? If so, tell me about it. 0. COMM- ROUTINE 0-0 (ZERO-ZERO) (HCOB 11 DEC 64 - PROCESSES) (a) WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO TALK TO ME ABOUT? (b) WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO TELL ME ABOUT THAT? [SG - alternate questions (first question should be a short, simple topic, the follow-up question should be whatever he/she wants to say, as long as he/she wants to talk about it) until the person has expressed and shows, marked improvement in tone and attitude - this is almost never a short process and can take up a whole session or even many more] 1. COMM- FREE TO COMMUNICATE WITH (Lect. 25 Oct 54 - Communication and Straightwire) LOOK AROUND YOUR ACTUAL SURROUNDINGS AND FIND SOME THINGS THAT YOU ARE FREE TO COMMUNICATE WITH 2. COMM- THINGS YOU COULD GO INTO COMMUNICATION WITH (Lect. 28 Jun 54 - Exteriorization) (a) GIVE ME ALL THE THINGS YOU COULD GO INTO COMMUNICATION WITH (b) GIVE ME ALL THE THINGS THAT COULD GO INTO COMMUNICATION WITH YOU 3. COMM- REMEDY OF COMMUNICATION SCARCITY (OP BUL #4 - 11 Nov 55) (PAB 69 - 6 JAN 56 - SIX LEVELS OF PROCESSING - ISSUE 7) WHAT WOULDN'T YOU MIND COMMUNICATING WITH? 4. COMM- STARTING A CASE [SG - run one process at a time - each to full conclusion] (HCOB 21 OCT 72-I - EXPANDED DIANETICS CASE F) WHAT COULD YOU TALK TO ME ABOUT? (BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES - Remedy BB) WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO TALK TO ME ABOUT? (BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES - Remedy BB) WHAT COULD YOU TELL ME? 5. COMM- ORIGINATIONS (HCOB 15 OCT 58 - ACC CLEAR PROCEDURE) WHAT ORIGINATION OF YOURS HAS BEEN HANDLED PROPERLY? 6. COMM- PREPCHECK ZEROS (HCOB 12 JUL 62 - MOTIVATORISH CASES) (a) HAS ANYONE FAILED TO LISTEN TO YOUR DIFFICULTIES? (b) HAVE YOU FAILED TO LISTEN TO SOMEONE'S DIFFICULTIES? (c) WAS THERE ANYONE WHO DIDN'T LISTEN TO YOUR TROUBLES? (d) WAS THERE ANYONE WHOSE TROUBLES YOU DIDN'T LISTEN TO? (e) HAS ANOTHER REFUSED TO LISTEN TO YOUR DIFFICULTIES? (f) HAVE YOU REFUSED TO LISTEN TO ANOTHER'S DIFFICULTIES? 7. COMM- ARC PROCESS 1961 (HCOB 30 NOV 61 - ARC PROCESS 1961) (a) WHO HAVEN'T YOU BEEN WILLING OR ABLE TO TALK ABOUT YOUR DIFFICULTIES? (b) WHO COULD YOU HAVE TALKED TO ABOUT YOUR DIFFICULTIES? (c) WHOSE DIFFICULTIES HAVEN'T YOU WANTED TO HEAR ABOUT? (d) WHOSE DIFFICULTIES HAVE YOU BEEN WILLING TO LISTEN TO? 8. COMM- ABILITY TO DECIDE (Lect. 19 Oct 56 - Mechanics) WHAT COULD YOU SAY THAT ANYONE WOULD PAY ANY ATTENTION TO? 9. COMMUNICATION PROCESSES (PAB 54 - 10 JUN 55 - REALITY LEVEL OF PRECLEAR) [SG - run each process separately to a full conclusion] FIND SOMETHING COMFORTABLY REAL THINK A THOUGHT TELL ME A THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE WILLING TO RECEIVE (a) WHAT COULD YOU SAY TO YOUR MOTHER? (b) WHAT COULD YOUR MOTHER SAY TO YOU? (a) WHAT COULD YOU SAY TO YOUR /(A) FATHER? (b) WHAT COULD YOUR/(A) FATHER SAY TO YOU? "Who else do you have a close relationship with?" [SG - Take up one at a time and complete each process before starting the next] (a) WHAT COULD YOU SAY TO ___? (b) WHAT COULD ___ SAY TO YOU? 10. COMM- PREHAV SCALE COMM PROCESSES (HCOB 02 Feb 61 - COMMAND SHEET, PREHAVINGNESS SCALE) [SG - run one process set at a time - each to full conclusion] (a) WHAT COMMUNICATION WOULD YOU CONSIDER BAD? (b) WHAT COMMUNICATION WOULD ANOTHER CONSIDER GOOD? (a) WHO HAS FAILED TO COMMUNICATE TO YOU? (b) WITH WHOM HAVE YOU FAILED TO COMMUNICATE? (c) WHAT HAS FAILED TO COMMUNICATE TO YOU? (d) WITH WHAT HAVE YOU FAILED TO COMMUNICATE? (a) WHO HAS COMMUNICATED TO YOU? (b) WITH WHOM HAVE YOU COMMUNICATED? (c) WHAT HAS COMMUNICATED TO YOU? (d) WITH WHAT HAVE YOU COMMUNICATED? 11. COMM- ROUTINE 0-A EXPANDED [SG - USING 'SOMEONE' AS A GENERAL TERMINAL] (HCOB 26 DEC 64 - ROUTINE O-A [EXPANDED]) (a) IF YOU COULD TALK TO SOMEONE, WHAT WOULD YOU TALK ABOUT? (b) ALL RIGHT. IF YOU WERE TALKING TO SOMEONE ABOUT THAT, WHAT WOULD YOU SAY, EXACTLY? 12. COMM- CONNECTEDNESS (HCO TB 06 FEB 57) LOOK AROUND HERE AND FIND SOMETHING YOU WOULDN'T MIND MAKING CONNECT WITH YOU 13. COMMUNICATION RECALL (Lect. 26 Nov 59) [SG - run each process separately to a full conclusion] RECALL A COMMUNICATION RECALL COMMUNICATING 14. COMM- [COMMUNICATION - DENNIS STEPHENS POWER SERIES - SG - run one set at a time, until there are no more answers for that set, or you have had a very good win and realization about communication.] (1a) HOW HAS COMMUNICATION BEEN HANDLED? (1b) HOW HAVE YOU BEEN HANDLED? (2a) HOW HAVE YOU HANDLED COMMUNICATION? (2b) HOW HAS COMMUNICATION HANDLED YOU? 15. COMM- EXPECTED COMMUNICATION (HCOB 13 NOV 57 - PROJECT CLEAR CHECKSHEET) (a) RECALL AN EXPECTED COMMUNICATION (b) RECALL A COMPLETED COMMUNICATION 16. COMM- RECALL A TIME YOU COMMUNICATED (HCOB 21 APR 60 - PRESESSION PROCESSES) (HCOB 04 May 59 - AN AFFINITY PROCESS) 17. COMM- ROUTINE 0-0 (ZERO-ZERO) (HCOB 11 DEC 64 - PROCESSES) [This process is not limited, but it should be made optional if it has been run before. There is a variant (Flow 0) which follows at the end.] (a) WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO TALK TO ME ABOUT? (b) WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO TELL ME ABOUT THAT? [SG - alternate questions (first question should be a short, simple topic, the follow-up question should be whatever he/she wants to say, as long as he/she wants to talk about it) until the person has expressed and shows, marked improvement in tone and attitude - this is almost never a short process and can take up a whole session or even many more] [this is a variant called "Routine 0-0 - Flow Zero"] (a) WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO LET YOURSELF TALK ABOUT? (b) WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SAY ABOUT THAT? 18. COMM- NOT WANTING TO COMMUNICATE (HCOB 02 Mar 61 - NEW PREHAV COMMAND) [SG - run one process set at a time - each to full conclusion] (a) RECALL NOT WANTING TO COMMUNICATE (b) RECALL ANOTHER NOT WANTING TO COMMUNICATE (c) RECALL NOT WANTING ANOTHER TO COMMUNICATE (d) RECALL ANOTHER NOT WANTING YOU TO COMMUNICATE (e) RECALL ANOTHER NOT WANTING OTHERS TO COMMUNICATE (a) RECALL A COMMUNICATION (b) RECALL A NO-COMMUNICATION 19. COMM- ABILITY TO WITHHOLD [SG] WHAT COMMUNICATION COULD YOU WITHHOLD? 20. COMM- ADVANCED COMMUNICATION PROCESSES (HCOB 07 May 59 - NEW PROCESS) [SG - run separately - one process at a time - each time to full conclusion] FIND A PLACE FROM WHICH YOU COULD COMMUNICATE RECALL A PLACE FROM WHICH YOU HAVE COMMUNICATED FROM WHERE COULD YOU COMMUNICATE? 21. COMMUNICATION MINI-GRADE HAVINGNESS [SG] LOOK AROUND HERE AND FIND SOMETHING YOU COULD COMMUNICATE WITH [and/or - SG - 2014] (a) FIND SOMETHING COMFORTABLY REAL (b) FIND SOMETHING YOU COULD COMMUNICATE WITH (c) FIND SOMETHING YOU FEEL SOME AFFINITY FOR (d) FIND SOMETHING YOU KNOW YOU UNDERSTAND [run in sequence: a,b,c,d,a,b,c,d,a,b,c,d, etc. until bright and/or cheerful] [If you have completed these successfully and experienced benefit, write down your gains as a "success story" - at least for your own reference, but consider sharing with others and getting them started on their own Inner Work.] [1-D] Health Form Dianetics BASIC DIANETICS [go to training webpage - (under construction) - to learn this, and to get the steps, instructions and model session] [HCOB 28 Jul 71RB - C/S Series 54RB - DIANETICS, BEGINNING A PC ON] Drugs or Alcohol; Medicines; Losses & Deaths; Upsets; Dangers; Illnesses, Accidents, Operations; Family Insanity; [If you have completed these successfully and experienced benefit, write down your gains as a "success story" - at least for your own reference, but consider sharing with others and getting them started on their own Inner Work.] [1-G] Confront of Problems (Mini-Grade I) -1. OBJECTIVES [NOTE: Be sure to first do the "Answers to Drugs Objectives" given at Step [-5] above - SG] 0. CONFRONT- CONTROL TRIO (Scientology Clear Procedure - Step 5) [SG - Find another object in the area each time] (a) GET THE IDEA YOU CAN HAVE THAT ___ (b) GET THE IDEA OF MAKING THAT ___ REMAIN/CONTINUE WHERE IT IS (c) GET THE IDEA OF MAKING THAT ___ DISAPPEAR OBJECTIVE NOT-KNOW (HCO TB 6 Feb 57) LOOK AROUND HERE AND FIND SOMETHING YOU WOULDN'T MIND NOT-KNOWING [SG - Reach & Withdraw on "That Problem" - this will bring problems to view - you don't do anything about them - you practice reaching and withdrawing from a problem until you have the skill and you know it - the same problem may come up again, or different ones - take the one that comes up first - repetitive process until you feel very good about your ability to do it] REACH FOR THAT PROBLEM WITHDRAW FROM THAT PROBLEM (Book of Case Remedies - Remedy AS) WHAT COULD YOU REALLY DO? 1. CONFRONT- INVITING CONFRONT [more from Vinay Agarwala @ ] WHAT WOULDN'T YOU MIND LOOKING AT? 2. CONFRONT- PRESESSION II (HCOB 6 Oct 60R - THIRTY-SIX NEW PRESESSIONS) WHAT COULD YOU CONFRONT? WHAT WOULD YOU RATHER NOT CONFRONT? 3. CONFRONT- CONTINUOUS CONFRONT (HCOB 14 Jul 60 - CURRENT RUNDOWN - CONCEPT HELP) WHAT COULD YOU CONTINUE TO CONFRONT? 4. CONFRONT- AFFINITY PROCESS (HCOB 4 May 59 - AN AFFINITY PROCESS) WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONFRONT? 5. PROBLEMS- WHO HAS PROBLEMS? (Lect. 6108C22 PTPs-Unknownness) WHO HAS PROBLEMS? 6. PROBLEMS- HAS V (HBOB 19 Jan 61 - ADDITIONAL HAS PROCESSES) GET THE IDEA OF SOLVING A PROBLEM GET THE IDEA OF NOT SOLVING A PROBLEM 7. PROBLEMS- ANSWERS (Creation of Human Ability R2-71) GIVE ME SOME ANSWERS 8. PROBLEMS- FAILED IMPORTANCE (HCOB 2 Feb 61 - COMMAND SHEET - PRE-HAVINGNESS SCALE) (a) WHO HAS BEEN CONSIDERED UNIMPORTANT? (b) WHAT HAS BEEN CONSIDERED UNIMPORTANT? 9. PROBLEMS- IMPORTANCE (HCOB 2 Feb 61 - COMMAND SHEET - PRE-HAVINGNESS SCALE) (a) WHO DID ANOTHER CONSIDER IMPORTANT? (b) WHAT DID ANOTHER CONSIDER IMPORTANT? 10. PROBLEMS- CONFRONT OF PROBLEMS [SG - 23 Oct 2017] WHAT PROBLEM WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO CONFRONT? 11. PROBLEMS- R1A (HCOB 6 Jul 61 - ROUTINE 1A) 1. WHAT PROBLEM COULD YOU CONFRONT? 2. WHAT PROBLEM DON'T YOU HAVE TO CONFRONT? 3. WHAT PROBLEM SHOULD (COULD) ANOTHER CONFRONT? 4. WHAT PROBLEM WOULDN'T ANOTHER CONFRONT? 5. WHAT PROBLEM WOULD BE CONFRONTED BY OTHERS? 6. WHAT PROBLEM WOULDN'T OTHERS CONFRONT? (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6...) 12. PROBLEMS- CONFRONT (HCOB 31 Mar 60 - THE PRESENT TIME PROBLEM) WHAT PROBLEM COULD YOU CONFRONT? 13. PROBLEMS- PROCESSES ON PTPs (HCOB 31 Mar 60 - THE PRESENT TIME PROBLEM) TELL ME YOUR PROBLEM WHAT PART OF THAT PROBLEM COULD YOU CONFRONT? 14. PROBLEMS- RECALL (HCOB 6 Jul 61 - ROUTINE 1A) RECALL A PROBLEM 15. PROBLEMS- HAVING [SG - adapted from LRH process given on 26 Jun 56] TELL ME A PROBLEM YOU COULD REALLY HAVE 16. PROBLEMS- NOT PRESENT (Lect. 22 Aug 61 - "PTPs, Unknownness") WHAT PROBLEM ISN'T PRESENT? 17. PROBLEMS- DESCRIPTION PROCESSING (Creation of Human Ability - R2-34) 1. CAN YOU RECALL A PROBLEM WHICH CONCERNED YOU? 2. HOW DID IT SEEM TO YOU THEN? 3. HOW DOES IT SEEM TO YOU NOW? 18. PROBLEMS- RESPONSIBILITY (HCOB 31 Mar 60 - THE PRESENT TIME PROBLEM) TELL ME YOUR PROBLEM WHAT PART OF THAT PROBLEM MIGHT YOU HAVE BEEN RESPONSIBLE FOR? 19. PROBLEMS- CONFUSION & BOIL-OFF (LRH - 26 Jun 56) WHAT CONFUSION COULD YOU CAUSE? 20. PROBLEMS- THE DUAL UNIVERSE (HCOB 31 Mar 60 - THE PRESENT TIME PROBLEM) [SG - run each of these, one at a time, separately] WHAT TWO THINGS CAN YOU CONFRONT? WHAT ABOUT YOU COULD YOU CONFRONT? 21. PROBLEMS- ORIGINAL GRADE I PROBLEMS PROCESS (HCOB 19 Nov 65 (LEVEL I) PROBLEMS PROCESS) [SG - a fundamental Power process lost to auditors when the Grades were flowed 4-way - restored here for the first time since the 1960s] WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? WHAT SOLUTIONS HAVE YOU HAD FOR THAT PROBLEM? 22. PROBLEMS- MINI-GRADE HAVINGNESS [SG] [SG - Select a new object each time] WHAT PROBLEM COULD THAT ___(selected object)___ BE TO ANYONE? [If you have completed these successfully and experienced benefit, write down your gains as a "success story" - at least for your own reference, but consider sharing with others and getting them started on their own Inner Work.] [2] Responsibility: Mistakes & Consequences (Mini-Grade II) [NOTE: that these processes are greatly assisted by first having done the Severe.Quad.Rudiments or "DROP" Recovery Processes, as a rudimentary Life Repair - SG] [SG - In a non-professional co-audit, or when working alone, for any drop in tone or not feeling connected, it is necessary to "repair Havingness" with one or more of the following processes: ] HAV- LOOK AROUND HERE AND FIND SOMETHING YOU COULD HAVE HAV- FIND SOMETHING COMFORTABLY REAL HAV- LOOK AROUND HERE AND FIND SOMETHING REALLY REAL HAV- WHAT UNKIND THOUGHT HAVE YOU WITHHELD FROM A PERSON? HAV- POINT OUT SOMETHING IN THIS ROOM YOU COULD CONFRONT POINT OUT SOMETHING IN THIS ROOM YOU WOULD RATHER NOT CONFRONT 0. CONFRONT- WILLINGNESS (HCOB 4 May 59 - AN AFFINITY PROCESS) WHAT WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO CONFRONT? 1. RESP- MELBOURNE 2 (HCOB 30 Nov 59 - ALLOWED PROCESSES - 1st MELBOURNE ACC) (a) THINK OF SOMETHING YOU ARE WILLING TO LET ME KNOW (b) THINK OF SOMETHING YOU COULD WITHHOLD (a) WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONFRONT? (b) WHAT WOULD YOU RATHER NOT CONFRONT? 2. RESP- HAS CO-AUDIT PROCESS II (HCOB 29 Dec 60 - THE NEW PE AND THE NEW HAS CO-AUDIT) (a) GET THE IDEA OF ATTACKING (b) GET THE IDEA OF NOT ATTACKING 3. RESP- RESPONSIBILITY (HCOB 21 Jan 60 - RESPONSIBILITY) WHAT COULD YOU ADMIT CAUSING? 4. RESP- WILLING TO TALK FREELY (HCOB 7 Apr 60 - A NEW SUMMARY OF AUDITING) (a) THINK OF SOMETHING YOU COULD TELL ME (b) THINK OF SOMETHING YOU MIGHT WITHHOLD FROM ME 5. RESP- REVELATION PROCESS X1 (HCOB 8 Mar 62 - THE "BAD" AUDITOR) 1. WHAT COULD YOU CONFRONT? 2. WHAT WOULD YOU PERMIT ANOTHER TO REVEAL? 3. WHAT MIGHT ANOTHER CONFRONT? 4. WHAT MIGHT ANOTHER PERMIT YOU TO REVEAL? 5. WHAT WOULD YOU RATHER NOT CONFRONT? 6. WHAT WOULD YOU RATHER NOT HAVE ANOTHER REVEAL? 7. WHAT MIGHT ANOTHER HATE TO CONFRONT? 8. WHAT MIGHT ANOTHER OBJECT TO YOUR REVEALING? 9. WHAT SHOULD BE CONFRONTED? 10. WHAT SHOULDN'T ANYONE EVER HAVE TO CONFRONT? 6. RESP- MOVING THE CASE (HCOB 24 Nov 60 - THE UNMOVING CASE) (a) THINK OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE DONE (b) THINK OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE WITHHELD (with occasional "Anything you would like to tell me?") [SG - Make careful use of the PROMPTERS - given in [0] above - as needed] 7. RESP- SOMETHING RIGHT (Lect. 1 Feb 57 - "Auditing Techniques: Games Conditions") THINK OF SOMETHING IN YOUR LIFE THAT YOU HAVE DONE RIGHT 8. RESP- "DONE" TO SOMEBODY (Lect. 19 Oct 56 - "Mechanics") TELL ME SOMETHING YOU HAVE DONE TO SOMEBODY 9. RESP- A USEFUL PROCESS (HCOB 13 Oct 59-I - A USEFUL PROCESS) RECALL BEING CRITICAL RECALL WITHHOLDING CRITICISM 10. RESP- OVERT-MOTIVATOR SEQUENCE (HCOB 5 Aug 68 - CHANGE OF COMMANDS - OVERT-MOTIVATOR SEQUENCE) WHAT HAS BEEN DONE TO YOU? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? WHAT HAS ANOTHER DONE TO ANOTHER? 11. RESP- OT PROCEDURE (HCOB 24 Jan 60 - OT PROCEDURE (a) WHAT COULD YOU ADMIT CAUSING A PERSON? (b) WHAT COULD YOU WITHHOLD FROM A PERSON? 12. RESP- "SHOULD" O/W [EXERCISING JUDGMENT] (HCOB 4 Feb 60 - THEORY OF RESPONSIBILITY PROCESSING WHAT SHOULDN'T YOU HAVE DONE? WHAT SHOULD YOU HAVE WITHHELD? WHAT SHOULD YOU HAVE DONE? WHAT SHOULDN'T YOU HAVE WITHHELD? 13. RESP- RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE PAST (Lect. 14 Jun 54 - "General Lecture") WHAT PART OF YOUR PAST WOULDN'T YOU MIND OWNING? GIVE ME ANOTHER PART OF YOUR PAST YOU WOULDN'T MIND OWNING 14. RESP- RESPONSIBILITY & CONFRONT (Lect. 4 Jun 59 - "Clearing:") RECALL SOMETHING YOU'VE BEEN RESPONSIBLE FOR RECALL SOMETHING YOU HAVE CONFRONTED 15. RESP- RESPONSIBLE FOR (HCOB 11 Feb 60 - CREATE AND CONFRONT) WHAT COULD YOU BE RESPONSIBLE FOR? 16. RESP- REPETITIVE O/W (HCOB 10 Jul 64 - OVERTS - ORDER OF EFFECTIVENESS IN PROCESSING) IN THIS LIFETIME WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? IN THIS LIFETIME WHAT HAVE YOU WITHHELD? 17. RESP- CAUSE & EFFECT [SG] WHAT WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO CAUSE? WHAT WOULDN'T YOU MIND BEING THE EFFECT OF? 18. RESP- O/W ALTERNATELY (HCOB 29 Jun 64 - CENTRAL ORG AND FIELD AUDITOR TARGETS) IN THIS LIFETIME, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? IN THIS LIFETIME, WHAT HAVEN'T YOU SAID? 19. RESP- O/W PROCESSES (HCOB 12 Jul 64 - MORE ON O/Ws) [SG - Run these one at a time to completion before going on to the next] 1. TELL ME SOME THINGS YOU THINK YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE 2. TELL ME WHAT YOU'VE DONE THAT GOT YOU INTO TROUBLE 3. WHAT WOULDN'T YOU DO OVER AGAIN? 4. WHAT ARE SOME THINGS A PERSON SHOULDN'T SAY? 5. WHAT GETS A PERSON IN TROUBLE? 6. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE THAT YOU REGRET? 7. WHAT HAVE YOU SAID YOU WISH YOU HADN'T? 8. WHAT HAVE YOU ADVISED OTHERS TO DO? 20. RESP- GREATEST IQ RAISER KNOWN (HCOB 14 Jul 60 - CURRENT RUNDOWN - CONCEPT HELP) WHAT COULD YOU WITHHOLD? 21. RESP- POWER PROCESS 1AA (ADDITION TO HCOB 11 May 65 - THE POWER PROCESSES) WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? WHAT PROBLEM WERE YOU TRYING TO SOLVE? WHAT HAVEN'T YOU SAID? WHAT PROBLEM WERE YOU TRYING TO SOLVE? 22. RESP- FreeSCIENTOLOGY CONFESSIONAL [SG - Adapted from TR-5N - HCOB 17 Dec 58-II - AUDITING ARC BREAKS...] WHAT HAS ANYONE DONE WRONG TO YOU? WHAT PROBLEM MIGHT THEY HAVE BEEN TRYING TO SOLVE? (or -"How Might They Have Explained It?") WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WRONG TO PEOPLE? WHEN WAS IT? WHERE WAS IT? HAVE YOU TOLD ALL OF IT? WHAT PROBLEM WERE YOU TRYING TO SOLVE? IS THERE ANY OTHER WAY THAT YOU JUSTIFIED THAT? DID ANYONE MAKE YOU WONDER IF THEY KNEW? - WHAT DID THEY DO TO MAKE YOU WONDER ABOUT IT? - DID ANYONE ELSE MISS IT? WHAT PART OF THAT OVERT COULD YOU BE RESPONSIBLE FOR? 23. RESP- MINI-GRADE II HAVINGNESS [SG - adapted from HCOB 28 Jan 60 - THE KEY TO ALL CASES - RESPONSIBILITY] [SG - taken from Presession XIII - HCOB 6 Oct 60R - THIRTY-SIX NEW PRESESSIONS] WHAT COULD YOU ADMIT CAUSING? WHAT COULD YOU WITHHOLD? LOOK AROUND HERE AND FIND SOMETHING YOU COULD HAVE LOOK AROUND HERE AND FIND SOMETHING YOU COULD WITHHOLD [If you have completed these successfully and experienced benefit, write down your gains as a "success story" - at least for your own reference, but consider sharing with others and getting them started on their own Inner Work.] [3] Life Repair: Upsets, Changes & Loss [Mini-Grade III] [A-R-C-U = Affinity, Reality, Communication & Understanding - the components of Life Consciousness] 0. HAV- REALLY REAL (Book of Case Remedies - Remedy AQ) LOOK AROUND HERE AND FIND SOMETHING REALLY REAL PRESESSION XVI (HAVINGNESS) (HCOB 6 Oct 60R - THIRTY-SIX PRESESSIONS) POINT OUT SOMETHING AROUND HERE THAT IS LIKE SOMETHING ELSE CONTROL- CONTROL - THINKING VERSION (PAB 157 - 1 Apr 59) WHAT COULD YOU HANDLE? WHAT COULDN'T YOU HANDLE? WHAT COULD YOU CHANGE? WHAT COULDN'T YOU CHANGE? EFFECT PRODUCTION PROCESS (Book of Case Remedies - Remedy AS) WHAT COULD YOU REALLY DO? ASSIST FOR A LOSS (Lect. 10 Dec 63 - "Scientology Zero") FIND SOMETHING THAT ISN'T REMINDING YOU OF ___ (HCOB 1 Oct 69 - WHY THETANS MOCK UP (Secret) [adapted - SG] ) WHERE DID YOU FIRST HEAR OF THE LOSS? 1. CHANGE- PRESESSION XXX (CONFRONT) (HCOB 6 Oct 60R - THIRTY-SIX PRESESSIONS) SPOT A CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE 2. CHANGE- HAS IV (HCOB 19 Jan 61 - ADDITIONAL HAS PROCESSES) GET THE IDEA OF CHANGING GET THE IDEA OF NOT CHANGING GET THE IDEA OF CHANGING SOMETHING GET THE IDEA OF NOT CHANGING SOMETHING GET THE IDEA OF CHANGING SOMEBODY GET THE IDEA OF NOT CHANGING SOMEBODY 3. CHANGE- WOULD LIKE TO CHANGE (Lect. 6 Feb 59 - "Setting Up Co-Auditing Groups") 1. THINK OF SOMETHING YOU WOULD LIKE TO CHANGE 2. THINK OF SOMETHING YOU WOULD LIKE TO LEAVE UNCHANGED 4. CHANGE- CHANGE/LEAVE UNCHANGED (PAB 69 - SIX LEVELS OF PROCESSING - ISSUE 7) WHAT COULD YOU CHANGE? WHAT WOULD YOU LEAVE UNCHANGED? 5. A-R-C-U- HAS CO-AUDIT PROCESS I (HCOB 29 Dec 60 - THE NEW PE AND THE NEW HAS CO-AUDIT) (a) FIND SOMETHING YOU DISAGREE WITH (b) FIND SOMETHING YOU AGREE WITH (c) FIND SOMETHING YOU WOULD RATHER NOT COMMUNICATE WITH (d) FIND SOMETHING YOU WOULD COMMUNICATE WITH (e) FIND SOMETHING THAT SEEMS UNREAL (f) FIND SOMETHING THAT IS REAL [SG] FIND SOMETHING NOT EASILY UNDERSTOOD [SG] FIND SOMETHING YOU REALLY UNDERSTAND 6. A-R-C-U- DENNIS STEPHENS CO-AUDIT ARC BREAK PROCESS (HCOB 21 Jul 63 - CO-AUDIT - ARC BREAK PROCESS) WHAT ATTITUDE HAS BEEN REJECTED? WHAT REALITY HAS BEEN REFUSED? WHAT COMMUNICATION HAS BEEN IGNORED? WHAT UNDERSTANDING HAS BEEN ABANDONED? 7. A-R-C-U- ARC CONFRONT (HCOB 6 Oct 60R - THIRTY-SIX NEW PRESESSIONS) RECALL SOMETHING REALLY REAL TO YOU RECALL A TIME YOU LIKED SOMETHING RECALL A TIME YOU COMMUNICATED WITH SOMETHING RECALL A TIME YOU FELT YOU REALLY UNDERSTOOD SOMETHING [SG] RECALL SOMEONE WHO WAS REAL TO YOU RECALL SOMEONE YOU REALLY LIKED RECALL SOMEONE YOU COULD REALLY COMMUNICATE WITH RECALL SOMEONE YOU FELT YOU UNDERSTOOD [SG] 8. A-R-C-U- ARC BREAK PROCESSES (HCOB 27 May 63 - CAUSE OF ARC BREAKS) WHAT COMMUNICATION WAS NOT RECEIVED? WHAT ATTITUDE WAS NOT RECEIVED? WHAT REALITY WAS NOT PERCEIVED (SEEN)? WHAT COMMUNICATION WAS NOT ACKNOWLEDGED? WHAT UNDERSTANDING WAS NOT RESPECTED? [SG] 9. A-R-C-U- GRADUAL SCALE OF PROCESSES (HCOB 3 Feb 59 - HGC CURRENT PROCEDURE) [SG - modified wording as per Class VIII lectures] RECALL AN UPSET WHEN WAS IT? RECALL A TIME YOU IMPLIED SOMETHING WAS UNIMPORTANT RECALL A TIME SOMEBODY THOUGHT SOMETHING WAS IMPORTANT 10. A-R-C-U- PROJECT CLEAR (HCOB 13 Nov 57 - PROJECT CLEAR CHECKSHEET) RECALL AN UNWANTED OBJECT RECALL A MOMENT OF LOSS RECALL AN EXPECTED COMMUNICATION RECALL A COMPLETED COMMUNICATION RECALL SOMETHING REALLY REAL TO YOU 11. A-R-C-U- LOSSES (PAB 137 - 1 Jun 58 - SOME MORE CCH PROCESSES) RECALL A MOMENT OF LOSS WHEN? 12. A-R-C-U- LOSS (Creation of Human Ability - R2-58) WHAT ASSISTANCE DO OTHERS NEED TO SURVIVE? WHAT ASSISTANCE DO YOU NEED TO SURVIVE? 13. A-R-C-U- LIST 1 PROCESSES (HCOB 5 Jul 63 - ARC BREAK ASSESSMENTS - [Adapted by SG] ) WHAT EMOTION HAS BEEN REJECTED? TELL ME ABOUT THAT WHAT AFFINITY HAS BEEN REJECTED? TELL ME ABOUT THAT WHAT REALITY HAS BEEN REFUSED? TELL ME ABOUT THAT WHAT COMMUNICATION HAS BEEN CUT SHORT? TELL ME ABOUT THAT WHAT COMMUNICATION HAS BEEN IGNORED? TELL ME ABOUT THAT HAS BEEN DONE OTHER THAN WHAT WAS SAID? TELL ME ABOUT THAT WHAT GOAL HAS BEEN DISAPPOINTED? TELL ME ABOUT THAT WHAT HELP HAS BEEN REJECTED? TELL ME ABOUT THAT WHAT DECISION HAS BEEN MADE? TELL ME ABOUT THAT WHAT PERCEPTION HAS BEEN PREVENTED? TELL ME ABOUT THAT WHAT WILLINGNESS HAS NOT BEEN ACKNOWLEDGED? TELL ME ABOUT THAT 14. A-R-C-U- ARC PROCESS 1961 (HCOB 30 Nov 61 - ARC PROCESS 1961) 1. WHO HAVEN'T YOU BEEN WILLING OR ABLE TO TALK TO ABOUT YOUR DIFFICULTIES? 2. WHO COULD YOU HAVE TALKED TO ABOUT YOUR DIFFICULTIES? 3. WHOSE DIFFICULTIES HAVEN'T YOU WANTED TO HEAR ABOUT? 4. WHOSE DIFFICULTIES HAVE YOU BEEN WILLING TO LISTEN TO? (1234,1234...) 15. A-R-C-U- THE ARCx PROCESS [SG - 3 Sep 2021] WHAT UPSET HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED? IN THAT UPSET- -WHAT HAPPENED TO THE COMMUNICATION? -WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR REALITY? -WAS AN EXPECTATION DISAPPOINTED? -WHAT HAPPENED TO THE UNDERSTANDING? -WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR AFFINITY? -WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? -WHAT WRONG WOULD YOU SAY WAS AT THE ROOT OF THAT UPSET? -WHAT PROBLEM WAS THAT WRONG SUPPOSED TO SOLVE? (or - "How Might They Have Explained It?") 16. A-R-C-U- PAST AND FUTURE EXPERIENCE (HCOB 3 Jul 59 - GENERAL INFORMATION) WHAT PART OF YOUR LIFE WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO RE-EXPERIENCE? WHAT PART OF THE FUTURE WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO EXPERIENCE? 17. A-R-C-U- HAVINGNESS (HCOB 6 Oct 60R - THIRTY-SIX PRESESSIONS) LOOK AROUND HERE AND FIND SOMETHING YOU CAN AGREE WITH 18. A-R-C-U- GRADE III HAVINGNESS [SG - 2014 sessions with NK] FIND SOMETHING COMFORTABLY REAL FIND SOMETHING YOU COULD COMMUNICATE WITH FIND SOMETHING YOU FEEL SOME AFFINITY FOR FIND SOMETHING YOU KNOW YOU UNDERSTAND This brings one to completion of the key Life Repair Grades. If you have completed these successfully and experienced benefit, write down your gains as a "success story" - at least for your own reference, but consider sharing with others and getting them started on their own Inner Work. You are now ready for more advanced processing. At this point it is a good time to further develop your ability to recall things and run through some actual incidents from your past using Dianetics procedure. [SG notes - L. Ron Hubbard during his research wrote, "Recalls are too steep for most..." - and this is why I have minimized the use of Recalls ("ARC Straightwire") up to now, in favor of running the three key Life Repair Grades. This is because the entire purpose of FreeScientology Column A is to get a person working on Life Improvement processing without requiring a full drug handling (Purification and Scientology Drug Rundown to handle the restimulative effects of drugs, alcohol and medications). Here is the point where you may be able to test and further develop your ability to recall with full perceptics, details from your past. Do the best that you can, and continue working on de-tox regimens, dietary improvements, and getting through the Purification Rundown (use the book: Clear Body, Clear Mind) and the Scientology Drug Rundown. You may have heard of Dianetics, and its traumatic incident reduction process. This is where you will run incidents in your life that caused emotional or physical pain, so that you can get relief from them. Ability to recall is important for success in this venture, and can be developed with practice, which has its own self-improvement benefits such as relief from past trauma and improved memory, by using Recall Processes.] [4-A] Recall Processes [Self-Analysis, ARC Straightwire & Dianetics Preparatory Processes] 0. RECALL- SELF-ANALYSIS [If not already done, take up the book Self-Analysis (download link above), read it and do the first list and also skip ahead to the "Invalidation" list near the end of the book - then go back and keep doing any other lists of your own interest.] 1. RECALL- [SG - in progress...] [If you have completed these successfully and experienced benefit, write down your gains as a "success story" - at least for your own reference, but consider sharing with others and getting them started on their own Inner Work.] [4-D] Dianetics Auditing [Traumatic Incident Erasure] [HCOB 28 Jul 71RB - C/S Series 54RB - DIANETICS, BEGINNING A PC ON] Drugs or Alcohol; Medicines; Losses & Deaths; Upsets; Dangers; Illnesses, Accidents, Operations; Family Insanity; Perception Difficulties; Compulsions, Repressions, Fears; Previous Auditing or Other Practices; Being Someone Else; Problems You'd Like to Solve; Harmful Things You Have Done; Shocks [Take each category listed above, starting from the first one "Drugs or Alcohol" - making a list of all known incidents - and keep auditing one at a time using Dianetics procedures, each incident of strongest interest for you, until you feel you have thoroughly covered all incidents available in that category, in order of strongest interest or longest read on a meter. Now do the same for the next category.] 1. Select the Next Category 2. Make a List of All Known Incidents - Giving Each One a Name or Description (That Time I...) 3. WHAT INCIDENT ARE YOU MOST INTERESTED IN CONFRONTING? 4. Run Dianetics Procedure on That Incident [SG - more help to come with a page on auditing Dianetics] [If you have completed these successfully and experienced benefit, write down your gains as a "success story" - at least for your own reference, but consider sharing with others and getting them started on their own Inner Work.] [4-G] Coping Mechanisms Fixed Ideas, Justifications & Self-Righteous Computations [Mini-Grade IV] [SG - 21 Jun 2024 - it's finally here!] 0. COPING- OPENING SAFEPOINT [SG - 30 May 2024] LOOK AROUND [T]HERE AND FIND SOMETHING THAT ISN'T MAKING YOU WRONG LOOK AROUND [T]HERE AND FIND SOMETHING THAT ISN'T DOMINATING YOU LOOK AROUND [T]HERE AND FIND SOMETHING THAT ISN'T HINDERING YOUR SURVIVAL LOOK AROUND [T]HERE AND FIND SOMETHING THAT IS NOT UNWANTED 1. COPING- PRE-HAV SCALE - NO EFFECT (HCOB 2 Feb 61 - COMMAND SHEET - PREHAVINGNESS SCALE) WHAT WOULD YOU RATHER NOT HAVE A BAD EFFECT UPON? 2. COPING- PRE-HAV SCALE - OBSESSIVE CAN'T HAVE (HCOB 2 Feb 61 - COMMAND SHEET - PREHAVINGNESS SCALE) TELL ME SOMETHING OTHERS DON'T WANT 3. COPING- PRE-HAV SCALE - INVERTED INTEREST (HCOB 2 Feb 61 - COMMAND SHEET - PREHAVINGNESS SCALE) WHAT WOULD YOU CONSIDER INTERESTING? WHAT WOULD ANOTHER CONSIDER UNINTERESTING? WHAT WOULD YOU CONSIDER UNINTERESTING? WHAT WOULD ANOTHER CONSIDER INTERESTING? 4. COPING- PRE-HAV SCALE - INVERTED CONTROL (HCOB 2 Feb 61 - COMMAND SHEET - PREHAVINGNESS SCALE) WHAT CONTROL WOULD YOU CONSIDER BAD? WHAT CONTROL WOULD ANOTHER CONSIDER GOOD? 5. COPING- PRE-HAV SCALE - FAILED TO ENDURE (HCOB 2 Feb 61 - COMMAND SHEET - PREHAVINGNESS SCALE) WHAT CONTINUED? 6. COPING- PRE-HAV SCALE - ENDURE (HCOB 2 Feb 61 - COMMAND SHEET - PREHAVINGNESS SCALE) WHAT HAVE YOU ENDURED? 7. COPING- PRE-HAV SCALE - FAILED TO ABANDON (HCOB 2 Feb 61 - COMMAND SHEET - PREHAVINGNESS SCALE) WHO COULDN'T YOU ABANDON? WHAT COULDN'T YOU ABANDON? 8. COPING- PRE-HAV SCALE - ABANDON (HCOB 2 Feb 61 - COMMAND SHEET - PREHAVINGNESS SCALE) WHO HAVE YOU ABANDONED? WHAT HAVE YOU ABANDONED? 9. COPING- PRE-HAV SCALE - FAILED PROTECT (HCOB 2 Feb 61 - COMMAND SHEET - PREHAVINGNESS SCALE) [added two commands - SG] WHO HAVE YOU FAILED TO PROTECT? WHAT HAVE YOU FAILED TO PROTECT? WHO HAS FAILED TO PROTECT YOU? WHAT HAS FAILED TO PROTECT YOU? 10. COPING- PRE-HAV SCALE - PROTECT (HCOB 2 Feb 61 - COMMAND SHEET - PREHAVINGNESS SCALE) [added two commands - SG] WHO HAVE YOU PROTECTED? WHAT HAVE YOU PROTECTED? WHO HAS PROTECTED YOU? WHAT HAS PROTECTED YOU? 11. COPING- PRE-HAV SCALE - FAILED LEAVE (HCOB 2 Feb 61 - COMMAND SHEET - PREHAVINGNESS SCALE) WHO WOULDN'T YOU LET LEAVE? WHAT SHOULD ANOTHER KEEP? 12. COPING- PRE-HAV SCALE - LEAVE (HCOB 2 Feb 61 - COMMAND SHEET - PREHAVINGNESS SCALE) WHERE WOULD YOU RATHER NOT BE? WHEN WOULD YOU RATHER NOT BE? 13. COPING- PRE-HAV SCALE - CONTROL (HCOB 2 Feb 61 - COMMAND SHEET - PREHAVINGNESS SCALE) WHO HAVE YOU CONTROLLED? WHO HAS CONTROLLED YOU? WHAT HAVE YOU CONTROLLED? WHAT HAS CONTROLLED YOU? 14. COPING- PRE-HAV SCALE - FAILED HAVINGNESS (HCOB 2 Feb 61 - COMMAND SHEET - PREHAVINGNESS SCALE) WHAT SHOULD ANOTHER NOT HAVE? 15. COPING- LEARNING BARRIERS [SG - 30 May 2024] WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ALREADY? WHAT COULD YOU LEARN MORE ABOUT? 16. COPING- FALSE DATA [SG - 16 May 2022] WHAT IS TRUE FOR YOU? WHAT IS NOT TRUE FOR YOU? 17. COPING- JUSTIFICATIONS - WRONGS (GENERAL) [SG - 16 May 2022] WHAT WRONG HAS BEEN JUSTIFIED? HOW WAS THAT JUSTIFIED? 18. COPING- JUSTIFICATIONS - YOUR OWN MISTAKES [SG - 16 May 2022] WHAT MISTAKE HAVE YOU JUSTIFIED? IS THERE ANY OTHER WAY YOU JUSTIFIED IT? 19. COPING- SELF-RIGHTEOUS MECHANISMS [SG - 22 Aug 2022] WHAT WOULD MAKE A PERSON WRONG? WHAT WOULD MAKE A PERSON RIGHT? [SG - 30 May 2024] HOW COULD YOU MAKE ANOTHER WRONG? HOW COULD YOU MAKE YOURSELF RIGHT? 20. COPING- DOMINATION [SG - 22 Aug 2022] WHAT HAS ANOTHER TRIED TO DOMINATE? HOW COULD A PERSON ESCAPE DOMINATION? [SG - 30 May 2024] HOW COULD YOU ATTAIN DOMINANCE? HOW COULD YOU ESCAPE DOMINATION? 21. COPING- SURVIVAL [SG - 30 May 2024] WHAT HAS ASSURED YOUR OWN SURVIVAL? WHAT HAS HINDERED THE SURVIVAL OF OTHERS? HOW COULD YOU ASSURE YOUR OWN SURVIVAL? HOW COULD YOU HINDER THE SURVIVAL OF OTHERS? 22. COPING- YOUR OWN WAY [SG - 30 May 2024] HOW COULD YOU GET YOUR OWN WAY? HOW COULD YOU AVOID WHAT'S UNWANTED? 23. COPING- SAFE SOLUTIONS [SG - 30 May 2024] WHAT COULD BE A SAFE SOLUTION? 24. COPING- OVERT-JUSTIFICATION (HCOB ) IN THIS LIFETIME, WHAT OVERT HAVE YOU COMMITTED? HOW HAVE YOU JUSTIFIED IT? 25. COPING- BELIEFS-DECISIONS-POSTULATES [SG - 18 Jun 2024] WHAT BELIEF HAVE YOU HELD? WHAT DECISION HAVE YOU MADE? WHAT INTENTION HAVE YOU PURSUED? WHAT POSTULATE HAVE YOU MADE? WHAT POSTULATE HAVE YOU ABANDONED? 26. COPING- PROCESS S22 27. COPING- COMMON DEFENSE MECHANISMS [SG - 30 May 2024] [SG - special webpage needed for this list of processes and procedures - coming soon!] [If you have completed these successfully and experienced benefit, write down your gains as a "success story" - at least for your own reference, but consider sharing with others and getting them started on their own Inner Work.] [5] Handling Power & Confronting Evil (Purposes & Intentions) [Mini-Grade V] [Important Note: Column A is designed so that anyone can begin with any of the Grades offered, this does not mean it is always a good idea to do so. In the case of this Grade V, it is new and it is a heavy topic of confront for anyone. If one begins with this Grade, it is very important to do lots of auditing on the Steps '0' as a set-up to work on the Grade. And further, that any time one does a Grade out of order because of need or strong interest - that's okay - just go back to the preliminary Grades and do a thorough job from [-4] on up to [8].] 0A. CNFTEVIL- PTSness QUAD RUDS 0B. CNFTEVIL- Objective Processes (see [-5] of FreeScientology Column A) 0C. CNFTEVIL- L10 SET-UP LISTS 1. CNFTEVIL- DEFINING EVIL [SG - 01 Jun 2024] WHAT WOULDN'T BE EVIL? SPOT AN INTRUSION SPOT AN INVITATION SPOT AN ABANDONMENT SPOT AN HONORED COMMITMENT DESCRIBE A BETRAYAL TELL ME ABOUT LOYALTY 2. CNFTEVIL- CONSEQUENCES [SG - 01 Jun 2024] WHAT PURSUIT MIGHT BRING ABOUT HARM? WHAT PURSUIT COULD BRING ABOUT GOOD? 3. CNFTEVIL- POWER OF CHOICE [SG - 01 Jun 2024] WHAT EVIL COULD YOU OVERCOME? WHAT GOOD COULD YOU ENVISION? RECALL SUCCUMBING TO EVIL RECALL CHOOSING GOOD 4. CNFTEVIL- SOURCE OF GOOD & EVIL [SG - 01 Jun 2024] TELL ME A SOURCE OF LIFE TELL ME SOMETHING NOT A SOURCE OF LIFE TELL ME A SOURCE OF EVIL TELL ME SOMETHING NOT A SOURCE OF EVIL 5. CNFTEVIL- LOCATING TRUE SELF [SG - 01 Jun 2024] FROM WHERE COULD YOU CONFRONT EVIL? FROM WHERE COULD YOU COMMUNICATE GOODNESS? FROM WHERE COULD A SPIRITUAL BEING EXPERIENCE EVIL? FROM WHERE COULD A SPIRITUAL BEING CONFRONT EVIL? FROM WHERE COULD A SPIRITUAL BEING EXPERIENCE GOOD? FROM WHERE COULD A SPIRITUAL BEING CREATE GOOD? 6. CNFTEVIL- ORIGIN OF ABERRATION [SG - 01 Jun 2024] SPOT A PLACE WHERE EVIL WAS CREATED SPOT A LOCATION WHERE GOOD WAS DONE HOW IS EVIL CREATED? (untested process) [This next process may require careful clearing of words and then extra attention to clearing the command so that it can be openly interpreted as far as definitions allow. The idea of "reclaiming innocence" may be hard to accept as real, but one should have reality on at least the idea of restoring faith, and that may for some be all that seems available to run.] RECALL LOSING INNOCENCE RECALL RECLAIMING INNOCENCE 7. CNFTEVIL- AGREEMENT [SG - 01 Jun 2024] [Clear the words Spot; Agreement; Evil. Be sure to remember that this process is open to any flow that comes up, whether it happened to the person or refers to another. Example: Someone sees people at a rally calling for brutality against those they disagree with.] SPOT AN AGREEMENT WITH EVIL WHEN WAS IT? WHERE WAS IT? 8. CNFTEVIL- EXISTENCE GOOD & EVIL [SG - 01 Jun 2024] WHAT ISN'T EVIL? WHAT IS EVIL? WHAT ISN'T GOOD? WHAT IS GOOD? 9. CNFTEVIL- POWER OVER EVIL [SG - 01 Jun 2024] WHAT EVIL HAVE YOU ENCOUNTERED? HOW HAVE YOU HANDLED IT? 10. CNFTEVIL- SOURCE TELL ME A SOURCE TELL ME A NO SOURCE 11. CNFTEVIL- EXISTENCE WHAT IS? WHAT ISN'T? 12. CNFTEVIL- POWER [SG - This is one that should be run by auditors that have studied the materials of Power Processing and have some experience running trauma or heavy incidents. You can run this solo, and you can run this more than once, so brave co-audit teams who are not quitters can try it. Be very sure to carefully clear up the meanings of the words and both commands before starting. Persist with the process - even through dramatic flare-ups - until the person is doing exceptionally well with very, very good indicators.] TELL ME AN EXISTING CONDITION HOW HAVE YOU HANDLED IT? 13. CNFTEVIL- SEVEN DEADLY SINS - CONTRAST RECALLS [SG - 01 Jun 2024] RECALL A MOMENT OF HARMFUL PRIDE RECALL A MOMENT OF GENUINE PRIDE RECALL A MOMENT OF GREED RECALL A MOMENT OF HAVINGNESS RECALL A MOMENT OF ENVY RECALL A MOMENT OF APPRECIATION RECALL A MOMENT OF HARMFUL ANGER RECALL A MOMENT OF SERENITY RECALL A MOMENT OF GLUTTONY RECALL A MOMENT OF TEMPERANCE RECALL A MOMENT OF HARMFUL LUST RECALL A MOMENT OF GENUINE LOVE RECALL A MOMENT OF LAZINESS OR SLOTH RECALL A MOMENT OF INDUSTRIOUSNESS [SG - 21 Jun 2024 - still in progress... to be completed soon...] [If you have completed these successfully and experienced benefit, write down your gains as a "success story" - at least for your own reference, but consider sharing with others and getting them started on their own Inner Work.] |